
Bluefunk is a music player for the Gnome desktop.

It is written in C# using the Mono platform. We use the GStreamer framework to play music, allowing Bluefunk to support a wide range of formats; including mp3, ogg, flac, AAC and others.

Development status posts can often be found on delusional's weblog.


0.3 release (4th September 2005)

It can be found on the SourceForge download pages for bluefunk.

0.2 release (7th April 2005)

It can be found on the SourceForge download pages for bluefunk.

0.1 release (8th February 2005)

This is the initial developer release to allow people play around with the code. It can be found on the SourceForge download pages for bluefunk.


Bluefunk's playlist window


Bluefunk's File System view

Browsing file system

Bluefunk's File System view

Beagle Integration

This is currently a work in progress and hasn't been released.


helpful downloads: